Members’ Exclusive Privileges

As a valued member of the Business School Alumni Association, you are entitled to exclusive privileges designed to enhance your personal and professional growth. Our wide array of benefits includes access to networking events, special discounts offered by the merchants, professional development workshops, and job placement assistance.

Join the alumni network today and experience the advantages of being a part of the Business School Alumni Association.

Me Time Massage

Me Time Massage – 8% discount on Treatments

Terms and conditions

1) Customers must attend the treatment on time. If you need to reschedule, you must notify us 48 hours prior to the scheduled appointment.

2) If you are late, the service time may be deducted accordingly. if you are absent or late for more than 30 minutes, the session will be considered as used.

3) Should there be any disputes arise, Me Time reserves the right of final decision in relation to these terms and conditions.

Shangri-La – Special Offers on Mid-Autumn Festival Mooncakes 2024

Members can enjoy up to 25% early bird discount on Mid-Autumn Festival mooncakes, gift sets and hampers with promo code【HKU】!

Click here for online Shangri-la Boutique


Kowloon Shangri-La: 25% early bird discount on or before 31 July 2024
Kowloon Shangri-La Order Form

Kerry Hotel Hong Kong: 25% early bird discount on or before 23 August 2024
Kerry Hotel Hong Kong Order Form

Island Shangri-La: 20% savings on or before 16 September 2024
Island Shangri-La Order Form

Twelve Flavors

十二味 Twelve Flavors

(Please present your Membership Confirmation Email to verify your identity)


– 15% off on the main menu (Sai Ying Pun branch)

– 10% off on the main menu at other branches

Terms and conditions

1.此優惠僅可用於堂食 This discount is valid for dine-in only;

2.此優惠適用於十二味所有分店 This discount is valid for use in all Twelve Flavors branches;

3.堂食加一服務費按正價菜品計算 All prices are subject to 10% service charge for dine-in, which is counted on the original price;

4.此優惠僅適用於主菜單。不適用於套餐、酒水、鍋底、服務費及季節性產品(小龍蝦、大閘蟹、羊腩煲等)This discount is only for dine-in main menu. Combo menus, drinks or alcohols, pot base, seasonal dishes, and service charges are not included;

5.此優惠不可與其他折扣同時使用 This discount cannot be used in the conjunction with any other discounts;

6.請於付款前出示優惠券或相關的證明文件,過後不補 Please present valid coupons or relevant documents card before purchase. No retrospective arrangement can be made;

7.優惠內容如有任何更改恕不另行通知,如有任何爭議,十二道餐飲有限公司/十二味保留最終決定權。 In case of disputes, Twelve Ways Limited / Twelve Flavors Limited reserve the right of final decision.

* By alphabetical order of company name

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